The underlying structure of the GIST allows for additional sensor simulation to be added, creating a Sensor Mission Trainer (SMT). The combination of sensors, controlled by an Instructor Operating Station (IOS)/Semi-Automated Forces (SAF) software, allows the system to be operated as an integrated platform. This simulates a crew environment and promotes the development of RM.
The concept behind the integrated Sensor Mission Trainer is driven by the concept of “the whole being greater than the sum of its parts”. The sensor simulators, in isolation, allow operator training on the functionality of the individual system, building familiarity and increasing their tactical appreciation of the sensor.
When sensors are combined into an SMT (together with several complementary ISR sensors) the simulator exercises skills such as leadership, teamwork, CRM, human factors, communication, prioritization, decision making and spatial awareness to optimize individual assets in order to achieve the mission objectives. The overall result is that the SMT is able to provide operators, planners, taskers and commanders with unmatched ISR capability training: a force multiplier for modern aircrews.